Sustainable and Community Tourism Policy


We are passionate about the outdoors and the amazing Burren landscape and it’s surrounds. We want to do everything we can to protect this area and the people who live here. Tourism can have positive and negative impacts on an environment and it’s inhabitants. We have developed this policy to ensure that we can do as much as we can to help make a positive impact from the tourists that we engage with. We hope to do this by positive actions, education and influencing sustainable and environmentally responsible behaviour

Sustainability and Community are key component of the Mission and Vision of Burren Ebike Adventures.

What is Sustainable Tourism

“Tourism that takes full account of its current and future environmental, social and economic impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and communities”

The World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)

What is Community Tourism

Community Tourism means that we have a focus on the benefits that tourism can bring to the local community. We work hard to consider the impact of the actions that we and our participants have on this community. Through these considerations we take steps to improve the positive actions and to negate the negative impacts.

What actions to we do to support this


We hope that the experience of the unspoilt nature of Burren landscape will give participants a respect for the environment as a whole. A day cycling in the clear air, green fields, rare flowers and birdsong can only leave one with the understanding that we must all do everything we can to protect the environment of the entire planet.


We education our participants on biodiversity through guided tours and the information on the self-guided tour maps. The visits to the sites in the Burren and the wealth of flora and fauna to be seen reinforces this education and the importance of opportunities for biodiversity in all landscapes.

Litter Pick Ups.

We organise and take part in regular community litter pick ups. We also train our guides to pick up any litter they see when on tours, which acts as a positive influence on participants to consider doing the same.

Water bottles:

We ask all our participants to bring their own reusable water bottle rather than purchasing plastic bottles from the shop. We send a ‘Pre Tour’ email with a checklist of items and this reminder is in this email.

Trials and Advice:

We offer free trials on our Electric Bikes to locals, and also offer advice on the purchasing of Electric Bikes. This helps to encourage people to consider an electric bike as a replacement for a petrol or diesel car commute.

Positive EBike Experience:

We hope that by enjoying a positive experience on an Electric Bike, the tour participants may consider moving to an electric bike when you go home for your commute or some of your regular journeys.

Locals Discounts:

As part of our focus on community tourism we offer discounts to locals on the rental of our bikes for self-guided tours.

Local Partnerships:

We partner with local accommodation, restaurants, cafes and other businesses to grow community links.

Local Engagement:

Say Hello! We are fortunate to live in a very friendly community so we tell our participants to say Hello is you see anyone out and about. The great thing about being on a bike is that you engage with the environment and community. It’s a great chance to stop and have a chat when you pass someone. They will usually be very open to telling you about the area or their farm….or if nothing else the primary topic of Irish conversation….the Weather!


We realise that we operate in the tourism industry with has it’s own impact on climate, especially in regards to air travel. However, we do believe there is a balance to be found between the benefits of tourism including getting a better understanding of climate and biodiversity impacts by experiencing the outdoors. This experience can feed into bigger changes in ones life or influence in the businesses you work with and hopefully inspire you on enjoying your own local environment when you go home.

With a focus on visiting sustainable tourism locations and operators, and avoiding the large sites that receive too many visitors and have a negative impact on their environment, the world or tourism can be a positive place.

We are not perfect, we will have a lot to learn and more to do, but we are aware and always working towards better sustainability.

Sustainable Travel Ireland

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